Today, the A Better Oregon coalition is proud to release our A Better Oregon budget report. A budget is a clear sign of a community’s values, and the A Better Oregon coalition — more than 1,300 groups and individuals strong — is united by a shared goal of investing in and improving the lives of Oregon families.
For too long, Oregon families have gone without: Our kids have gone without the resources they need in overcrowded classrooms. Our most vulnerable residents have gone without affordable, quality healthcare. And too many seniors have gone without the support they need to live with health and dignity.
It’s time to turn the tide. It’s time to finally invest. With that goal in mind, the A Better Oregon coalition is guided by three core principles when it comes raising revenue:
- Any new revenue proposal should make large businesses, not Oregon small businesses or working families, pay more.
- Increases need to be game-changing and significant. The status quo is not serving Oregon our communities, and we can do better.
- No services should be cut while Oregon is 50th in business taxes.
In that spirit, we have developed a plan that will raise enough revenue (from the right entities) to make meaningful investments — investments that will improve the lives of Oregon families.
We know this proposal marks the start of an important conversation. We will continue to push for policies that work for Oregon families and hold large corporations accountable, and we hope that you’ll stand with us as we fight for A Better Oregon.