Join the movement to invest in Oregon families

For Oregon to have a strong economy with family-wage jobs and opportunities for all, we need a vibrant education system that is affordable and accessible for every Oregonian, from early education all the way through our public universities.

Because Oregon has some of the lowest corporate taxes in the nation, the tax burden on individuals and small businesses is high. In raising new revenue, legislators should ease the burden on individuals and small businesses, and call on larger businesses to pay more in taxes. Proposals that call for significant new revenue of over $1 billion a year represent the first step in reversing years of disinvestment.

Oregon has always valued our schools and universities, but decades budget cuts have threatened our ability to deliver a great education to every student. New investments will translate to smaller class sizes, more instruction days, increased access to early learning hubs, and lower tuition and better programs for Oregon’s university and community college students. It will break the cycle of chronic disinvestment in education and open doors of opportunity for many more Oregonians.

Taking action on corporate taxes today will mean we can provide the education and services Oregon’s families need. Join thousands of Oregonians in calling on the Legislature to approve a package that makes significant investments through higher corporate taxes while protecting Oregon taxpayers.